The biggest sin – Air pollution

In the early twenty-first century left standing up in front of the question – What is the greatest sin? Will be the greatest sin of the modern era – “Air pollution”.

Of course some people to wonder – will the parent. But it’s a hard truth and the facts. But the pollution is bad in itself, so is sin. But the greatest sin – the air pollution.

Because, man, but also a creature can survive several days without food, without water can survive a few hours. But a few minutes without breathing could probably survive. Need oxygen to live. That oxygen is necessary.

Air – Pollution vicious dissolved toxic elements in human breath are entered person nowadays many chronic and terminal illnesses is becoming a victim. Weak man, is not null and muzzy, but her life is also disabled. Heart disease, respiratory disease, cough, cold, colds, pneumonia, eye fade to light, vomiting, dizziness, blood to be impure, cancer, chronic and serious diseases, the root cause of many air, etc., the impure air to breathe.

Air pollution occurs in many forms. Car, motor, etc., smoke rising from the burning of petrol and diesel fuel, air – is a major cause of pollution. Some famous cities is the pollution of the intersection. Here in the eyes of the person to stand 10-15 minutes leads to irritation and coughing. Yesterday – in factories, smoke rising from the burning of coal and other fuels is the biggest cause of pollution.

Some very toxic chemical to be used in certain industries are. Of intense leakage in the air is poisoned. Case in Bhopal killed thousands of people in the history of the event has become a smeary.

Materialized in cities where people rubbish, Adsuke litter, leaves, wood, paper, plastic, bitumen, tires, etc. are burning toxic smoke spread, thousands of people who are giving the gift of the chronic incurable diseases. Considering this fact, the Karnataka High Court, Mumbai, Bangalore etc. in the towns rubbish burn ban has been imposed, the violation is punished hard. Rubbish by reusing the fertilizers, electricity and fuel – is made cakes. Now all cities are required to apply the law. The municipal corporations and municipalities to follow suit by 3 km from human habitation In the realm of rubbish and violate the burn ban should be Lagaya penalty of heavy fines and imprisonment should be provided. Unfortunately, many corporations Ngm employees (and contract employees) own rubbish to avoid labor to carry the – materialized in the streets, burn it and collect the work of a match burning match is over. Several hours is live and the atmosphere makes the air poisonous. But the people who live there, to – to be forced to breathe the toxic air and have to drink sips of poison.

Nowadays plastic waste is the most environmental harm, not destroy it quickly. The air from the burning of plastic waste becomes very toxic.

Many cities with litter litter recycling (recycle) and the fertilizer, power, and useful things are made. Bangalore city of plastic litter in the hot bitumen (asphalt) to make it in until melted and the roads have been used. Every city should have such arrangements.

Some people in public places, rail, and just smoke – smoke and drink and do not poisioning myself, but the fatal blow smoke in other people that have entered forcibly phosgene. The cough, headache, from Cancer to grow. ‘Smoking prohibited’ even though the boards have openly violated the rules thereof. The awareness is essential that such people can be social rejection.

Scientists have shown that the indirect Anusndhanon smoking (passive smoking) are damaging themselves even more than smoking. There were several instances when the person smoking there was no specific disease, but his wife has cancer. With pure oxygen to the individual smoker’s tobacco smoke, and faux carbon – dioxide releases into the air with nicotine poisoning, which ingest other people forced to breathe, which is very harmful.

So is our Slogan:

Eat, eat and drink the sweet drink, Swallow Peak,
Where you have not materialized, have no right to spit.
Bidi, cigarette, drink my guest, do swallow the smoke,
Where – you have no right to speak out poison materialized.

We suggest:

Different markets, rail car, the offices of a particular cell-smoking bar ‘(Smoking Bar) should be. Kndishnd the air is free to sit where smoking and smoking in order to make a splash Bhukal lasting. Pot so that the person – not the money to buy cigarettes, even if you have just entered the room it automatically splash of smoking – could use.

Some roads along the stool – the heavy air pollution spread by the urine disappears. Some exotic notes – plumbing sit at the edge of roads and railroads, the Indian culture. Where – had not materialized decaying carcasses of wild animals to deadly air pollution. Epidemics and contagious diseases spread like the plague threatening the lives of thousands are at risk. Bodies on an urgent basis should Dfnakr or funeral by funeral. Dried fish (Sukhua) rot spread in the vicinity of the air is dirty.

Dirty open drains in cities by creating the rot spread heavy air pollution. However, nowadays the trend is growing underground sewage drainage drains, but the upkeep when the system breaks down or blocked in the absence of the sewage flows through the streets is that air pollution is a major factor.

Nowadays the modern era of nuclear weapons, several chemical weapons – weapons have become the enemy’s air toxic elements in human and spread the organism itself, but the tree – can destroy the plants. Earth’s ozone layer in many places have huge holes, so the day is subject Mahatufan and natural plagues.

Air pollution due to meet today’s news Tejabi rainfall. Clouds over the pollution in rain water from being contaminated particles exist in the organism – animals can not only destroy crops.

Asanas and Pranayama for today’s big health slap-dash getting publicity. Pranayama breathing is only a special process of leaving. Pranayama is the destroyer of many diseases, as well as physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual regeneration is. But if you were breathing in polluted air may benefit Vjaa terrible loss.

Many factories / plants for pollution control have been spending millions of rupees. Dhuँwa, dust and safety measures have been taken to dispose of wastes. Re-filling the excavated land mines that are widely planted tree fruits. Volatile ash, red mud, lime – grit etc. are being made to new research.

Damage to the lives of literally millions of people is the greatest sin. Let’s avoid this sin and self to save others. Looking for ways to avoid this.

The largest religion:

Will be the largest religion in today’s era of air purification. The largest source of air purification vegetation and vegetation, the carbon – dioxide and releasing oxygen to Sokkr. Sacrifice and ritual are also air purification.

Trees have been worshiped since ancient times. The banyan and peepal trees Pharmacy of mythology has been considered.Here, more and more people find trees and encourage everyone.

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love story

Once upon a time a girl and a boy. They met in a familiar organized and spoke at a party the night away at everything, about life and music.

She thought that this is at present. She has met her dream prince, they would go to get married, two children would receive, acquire a house and a dog. She decided to take a risk and leave the current boyfriend.

The boy was again staring at the girl’s boyfriend all night over his shoulder.

Girl and boy do not, therefore, acquired a house or children, but the boy and the girl’s boyfriend had a passionate relationship that lasted two weeks, a one-day and four hours. Girl fell.

Eventually, her former boyfriend was also the son of a former boyfriend, the boy found himself, as she had noticed earlier that he knew nothing of all that the world or the music.

The girl and the boy remained friends by talking about the evening periods of the kind of crap in their ex-boyfriend was.

And sometimes, often, the girl dreamed of.

At times, the son wanted to be a girl myself, so that they can be just friends, without the girl would have no disturbing emotions.

Then he met a boy and was suddenly completely satisfied with sex.

She was once to have sex with the boy, the boy and the boy wanted a child. It did not have any such thing as a girl had imagined. Eventually, she decided to live their own lives, and yes, met with the love of her life.

Sometimes a girl and her love life took care of the son and daughters of the Son. The daughter was looking, and his mother sang the Beatles before you learned to speak, and the love between the girl’s life was justly very confused.

Just all the stories at the end of the girl and the boy not to each other.

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Do not confuse the notion of Roman law in general, with the Roman law, Justinian. The first aims to set legal standards that governed the activities of the Romans from the founding of Rome (754 or 753, A. de C), until the death of Emperor Justinian (565 AD, AD), while the second is, as Peter says Bonfante, a professor at the Royal University of Rome, “the compilation of laws and Roman jurisprudence, – made in the sixth century after Christ by Justinian, Emperor of the East, just to legislation specific to this prince. “

Justinian Roman law consists primarily of collections calls: Code (Codex Justinianus), Digest or Pandects (Digesta, Pandectae) or institutas Institutions (Institutions) and Novels (Novellae Constitutions). Such work, together, often called Corpus juris Civil, which was addressed Tribonian fundamental orientation, high minister of Justinian.

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